Category Archives: Communication Skills Training

The art of giving a speech goes far beyond simple verbal communication. Whether in the classroom, the boardroom, or a call centre training course, the ability to impart information or influence others through speech is a crucial life skill. Given the right preparation and practice, anyone can learn to be an effective speaker, captivating audiences and effectively transmitting their message. Understanding your Audience A crucial yet often overlooked aspect of giving a great speech involves understanding your audience. Every audience is unique, featuring varying levels of familiarity and interest regarding your topic. Prior to crafting your speech, invest time in considering who will be listening. What do they already know about the subject? What aspects may interest them the most? Understanding your audience’s needs and interests will allow you to tailor your speech for maximum impact. Organizing your Speech One common mistake individuals often make while providing a speech is…

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Here’s An Opinion On: English Language Skills Course Submitted by: Marwan Khatar Washington, DC is the home of the federal government and serves as a central point for those interested in the history, culture, and inner workings of our nation. Whether youre planning a trip for a civic, school, or family trip, Washington DC Charter Buses provide efficient and luxurious transportation that you need. Plan for the Trip Taking a trip of this natures does require planning. Although many of the activities are free to the public, they may require advance verification. Additionally, DC Charter Buses can be ready at a moments notice with a simple online booking, but you should have your ducks in a row so that the dates are known. As you select a company, choose one with modifications that enhance positivity through efficiency and comfort. Efficient Transportation We provide travel arrangements designed to allow your party…

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Here’s An Opinion On: English Language Skills Training Communication Skills Course Symbolism of the Buddha’s Dispelling Fear Pose by Rob MabryThe Abhaya Mudra is referred to as the “dispelling fear pose.” It is the Sanskrit word ‘fearlessness’ and this mudra or pose is commonly seen in Buddha statues. It is seen as a symbol of protection and security and is thought to ward off fear and danger. This pose can be recognized by the position of the right arm. The palm faces outward, hand raised at shoulder height with the arm slightly bent.This Buddhist symbol of courage emphasizes the spiritual power of the bodhisattva or Buddha who makes it. A bodhisattva is being who has achieved an enlightened state and embraced the Buddhahood. The gesture can also be considered symbolic of friendship as the empty hand is devoid of weapons. The position is often misinterpreted by Westerners as an indication…

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